News — orangutan book
'Twas the week before Christmas...
Posted by Melinda Chiew on
Running out of ideas and time? Here are our best-sellers in the shop: ü Books: KJV bible Giant Print, Jesus Calling, Mud Sweat & Tears, Joyce Meyer books, Tears in the Jungle ü DVDs: Veggie Tales, Colin Buchanan ü CDs: Elvis Presley, Hillsong, Gospel hymns ü Cards: Boxed Christmas Cards, Indonesian Women’s Self-Help Project handmade cards, HOPE Wesley card packs ü Fairtrade food/drink: Divine Chocolate, Tribes & Nations Coffee, Kokako Hot Chocolate ü Not For Profit: Seven Women cotton scarf, TEAR Useful Gifts, "John Wesley: the Man and His Mission" DVD You may order online and choose delivery OR FREE...